Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Memories

Mom and me 1965
 As Easter approaches, it brings back many memories of new Easter dresses, white gloves, egg hunts, and of new life.  I have several pictures of family posing for a picture in their Easter finest, and my grandmother, Charlotte, with her famous Easter hats.  The most special memory of those hats, is that none of them ever looked good on her.  I have the same problem -- only one or two types of hats look good on me and if it's not flattering -- don't wear it!  I remember many jokes about those hats.  But in 1950's and 60's society, you weren't dressed on Easter without a hat. 

me and Jackie

Another precious memory for Easter for me is a picture of my mother and me in front of the house in St. Petersburg,  I'm not sure that I was even a year old yet, so it had to be 1965 and Mom was holding me up.  This picture was repeated with Jackie and me, and my grandmother Charlotte in 1987 in the same spot in front of the same house with her Easter bunny. 

Jackie & Dad


Egg hunts were always great fun.  One my favorites was at Lake Maggiore Park in St. Petersburg.  With all the trees, there were plenty of hiding places, but I was concerned about looking for alligators.  Jackie like hunting eggs also, and we'd participate at any church in the Spring Hill area that had a hunt.  But the champion egg hunter of all, has to be my grandson, Colt.  Easter 2009 we hid eggs for him outside my home in Stuart.  It's inevitable that you (adults) forget where you hide the eggs, well Colt didn't quit easy and even when we told him they were all found, he discovered one we had missed.  I have never seen a child more fascinated with eggs.  He also hunted at Aunt Carla's Easter party and would play with the eggs for a long time! 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Let the blogging begin !

Welcome to my blog. . . .

If you're one of the people I invited, you're a close family or friend of mine.  As many of you know, I've felt impressed ever since my grandchildren have arrived to tell stories that only I know, stories of struggle and of victory, and especially stories of the second or third generation back that only I know.  Everyone has stories, so why tell these?  Because they are important, and because they are worth telling.  They tell of people who are a part of me, and people who are reflected in my family that are living now, and they are of value to the generations to come and need to be preserved.  

As I journey ahead, I'll be sharing my discoveries and frustrations of looking for my history, and I'll be sharing stories of my childhood and the memories of people and events in my life.  How often?  Hopefully, one a month at a minimum.  

I truly believe that discovering our past allows to see who we will become.  We are not only physical reflections, but we are the hopes and dreams of the generations past.